Issue #56 - The strength of spirit!

When we talk about someone being strong, we may first think of their physical strength and that is because we are living at an epoch when we are terribly materialized so our understanding pertains to an external perception. Of course, depending on the subject of conversation, we may associate someone's strength to their moral values because they are determined, courageous, etc.

What makes someone strong inwardly comparing to others. Is it just a matter of character, of will power? Is someone born with such strength? In his book entitled Life Force, Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov explains the difference between temperament and character. Temperament is defined as the inherited part of our makeup such as the subconscious forces which we cannot so easily change because they are the result not only of our genetics but also our past lives.

The character, on the other hand, is the conscious part of us, what we work on through our intelligence, our will, our efforts to improve ourselves and give a direction to our energies either through developing a skill, a talent, attaining a better position or best, to reach our highest potential. Then the question is what element shall we work with when it comes to developing inner strength? What is the conscious part of us, the part that makes decisions, that propels us forward? It is certainly not the brain itself, for the brain is an organ, like the heart or the stomach although far more complex. That element is the spirit within us. That subtle yet invincible part of us, that imponderable yet perceptible through our consciousness. It is the "I" part of us that thinks, feels and moves forward. Without that spirit within, we are only flesh and bones. It is the reason why Initiates invite us to give more importance to the spirit, the spirit within, not an external force but a force that resides within.

In our first book, in the chapter entitled "Evolution and Involution", we mention the work of matter and spirit: matter seeks to transform itself, that is evolution whereas spirit seeks to descend into matter, that is involution. Spirit needs matter to work on, it needs our conscious awareness of its presence. "Spirit works to harmonize, embellish, illuminate, vivify and resuscitate everything." It is the very nature of spirit to push and thrust forward to manifest itself so it up to us to give it our best attention. There are many methods and exercises given by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov in his collection of books to help us develop ourselves into the divine beings that we are meant to be!

Carmen, for The Aquarian Team

Issue #55 - Work, Faith, Time

It is the Daily Meditation of today that inspires me to write about work, faith and time on this 1st of November.
Materialists know that in order to be successful they have to put a lot of efforts into their work to eventually obtain the results they wish for. Yes, and for some reasons, spiritualists expect immediate result when they begin to put efforts into their development. Is it because it is intangible that they expect fast results? On earth, we have to deal with time, it is part of the rhythm of the manifested world but on the subtle realms, time does not have the same value: time is stretched to infinity. So, the work and the efforts one puts into a material realization may take a finite amount of time and when that person goes, the activity stops. Whereas, into spiritual activities, whatever amount of work one puts into action, it is never lost to time, it will remain with the person's soul forever. That is why great spiritual teachers recommend their disciples to work, work without quitting, have faith that no effort is ever lost and give time, let time carry their efforts into higher realizations that will not perish with human time.
Most human beings think of work as an effort to sustain and improve their life yet there is another level to work as understood by the Initiates. That is a work based on the freedom they have acquired through their mastery. They do not wish to work for themselves but for the whole of humanity. Their work is of a noble and sublime nature. They have the ultimate faith that every efforts count for the improvement of all beings and know that with time every soul will wish to reintegrate their celestial kingdom.

Master Peter Deunov had given his disciples these 3 words: "Rabota, Rabota, Rabota, Vrémé, Vrémé, Vrémé, Vera, vera, vera" wish means: Work, Work, Work, Faith, Faith, Faith and Time, Time, Time and told them to meditate on these 3 words for they contained a whole philosophy.

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Carmen, for The Aquarian Team

Issue # 54 - Happy belated Thanksgiving to our Canadian readers!

With a bit of a delay, the Aquarian Team would like to wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving! October is a month for expressing gratitude and giving thanks for all the blessings we get: for being alive, for family and friends, for living in a prosperous country and most importantly for recognizing that thanksgiving opens up the door to abundance, joy, expansion of consciousness!

Only recently Louise Hay, a well known author, lecturer and founder of Hay House Publishing past away at a ripe age of 90. The foundation of her life was thankfulness and positive thinking. She acknowledge that a negative attitude poisons one's body and one's dreams. She would have turned 91 on Oct. 8 and to celebrate her life's success, Hay House is offering to view her movie on line here:  "You can heal your life"

I came across this sentence recently that was loaded with promises: "In reality, thankfulness has the power to transform raw matter into light, into joy and we should learn to use it." It was by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

If you wish to see the whole list of books by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, go to:

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Carmen, for The Aquarian Team

Issue #53 - How we can help the world.

We see so many tragedies in the world these days, sometimes very close to home. Take for example all the fires in British Columbia this summer (over 1000) and the recent Harvey storm in Texas. Ten of thousands of people have been evacuated or became homeless overnight, some even lost their lives. Climate change is becoming such a fierce reality as if the four elements decided to teach human beings a lesson about abusing nature!

So what can we do to help those in need?  We cannot all fly to sites of tragedies to bring our physical or moral help as it would add or create chaos at home or on site. Yet, we can help in the comfort of our home, of your heart.  Here is a Daily Meditation that was recently published on the Omraam Mikhael Aïvanhov Facebook page:

You say it is not possible to help the whole world, to bring light and peace to all humans – there are so many of them! Of course, if you present the problem in that way, it is impossible to do anything. But if you know certain methods, it becomes possible.
Try, for example, to imagine humanity as a single being. Yes, imagine the whole world as a being right there beside you, whose hand you are holding and to whom you are sending much love. At that moment, small particles from your soul go out into space in all directions, and what you are doing for that being has an effect on all men and women in the world. Gradually, they will begin to have different thoughts, different wishes – better, more generous ones. If there were hundreds, thousands of us doing this exercise, a new breath, a divine breath, would pass among all creatures, and one day they would awaken truly transformed.

This Daily Meditation was originally published on the 17th of August 2002.
Although the FB page of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov is reserved for the students of Master Omraam's teachings, you can make a request to join or if you wish to subscribe to the Daily Meditation and receive it for free every day in your email, subscribe here:
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Take time to visit our new website now active after so many months of working on it!!!

Carmen, for The Aquarian Team

PS this newsletter was based on the book entitled "Harmony", vol. 6 of the Complete Works of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.

Issue #52 - Harmony, the mother of all qualities and virtues

This month, let's talk about "harmony". A simple term which contains all the elements to sustain your health, your inner wealth and your relationship with others and all of life for that matter.

How is that possible you may ask? Well, let's begin with health: when something goes off balance in one's body, feelings or attitude, the organs get overworked, the immune system weakens and one eventually becomes ill. When people loses their peace of mind or their sleep over issues, they run the risk of wearing themselves down as well and being sick in bed. Or again, when one is rude to someone to the risk of losing their friendship or a business deal which could bring much worries and sadness. So, harmony is the most effective weapon against illness and the best tool for your uplifting. By nurturing harmony in your thoughts, feelings and attitude you invite a influx of forces that fills you with delight.

You may be short of patience or give way too easily to anxiety but working on one virtue or quality at a time takes a long long time to develop each one!  Harmony summarizes them all.
Harmonize yourself with your higher Self, with the forces of the cosmos and by doing this, feel the benefits of working for the whole of mankind!

Every day, we can ask for harmony within, harmony with our family, with our surroundings, harmony with nature and with the entire cosmos! This harmony will show in our aura, on our facial expression and will influence everything around us.

Carmen, for The Aquarian Team

PS this newsletter was based on the book entitled "Harmony", vol. 6 of the Complete Works of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.

Issue #51 - Happy Canada Day, our 150th Anniversary today!

And such a young country we are! Composed originally by diverse American Indian tribes and European immigrants, we are now a very cosmopolitan nation welcoming people from all over the world. 

Did you know that each country is represented by an "egregore", a symbolic entity formed in the invisible world by the collective thoughts and feelings of a country, religion or group representing the sum total of the will of the community? For example, the egregore of France is the cockerel; of Russia, the bear; of Japan, the dragon; of England, the lion; of United States and Germany, the eagle; and that of Canada is the beaver, etc. Each egregore protects and helps the aggregate it belongs to and may even fight other egregores. 

It is not politic or economy that will change the world for the better but a conscious choice of its wisest citizens to engage in establishing peace within themselves. Peace is the result of an inner state of harmony. Harmony between the different elements, forces, functions, thoughts, feelings and actions that compose a human being. Most people seek external satisfaction with material possessions and pleasures but neglect the existence of the soul and spirit. It is as if they worked only with the bone and muscular systems neglecting the nervous and auric systems. Yet, it is the subtle plane that governs matter, not the other way around. 

A basic rule to know what directs our world or activities is to measure them by the stick of the "personality" or the "individuality". The personality is the little self, the ego, that always seeks its own interests at the detriment of others. The individuality is the higher Self, the impersonal Self that is altruist, generous like the sun, sharing its light, love and life without expecting anything in return. By measuring our thoughts, feelings and actions with this stick, we are better able to catch the personality before it takes charge and we can thus establish a growing space for the expression of the individuality.

The Initiates and Sages of the past and the present are all in agreement with the adage "Know thyself" that was written at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. This implies to observe and analyze the many manifestations of the lower self and direct these energies to a more noble and sublime goal. When we manage to live in our higher Self, we experience the Kingdom of God which is not in a country, nor a place above in the sky, it is a state of consciousness, a state of peace and harmony. By working on ourselves and establishing such a state, our aura touches others uplifting them and inviting them to reach the same state. If many people work on themselves and decide to participate, dedicate their energies to such a high ideal as the Kingdom of God, then the whole world could eventually be moved to its realization: Heaven on Earth.

By the way, the egregore of peace or Universal White Brotherhood is the white dove.
May you live as one with your higher Self!

Carmen Froment, coordinator of The Aquarian Team

PS This writing is based on the little pocket book entitled "The Egregor the Dove, the Reign of Peace" by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov.

Issue #50 - Be like a bee!

Now, let us talk about bees!
It is said in the tradition that the bees come from Venus especially for the benefit of Initiates, ascetics and hermits and of all those who spend their lives thinking of mankind, of God and of Heaven. So God also thinks of them, that is why He sent them the bees: to prepare this special kind of food for them. We are told that when the Earth saw this, it was jealous and tried to produce insects that would resemble the bees… and all it managed to produce was wasps! And they never were able to find out how bees made honey! Wasps symbolize a selfish, egocentric system while bees represent a "theocentric": the goal of their work is to give something precious to other beings who are more evolve then them. It does not mean that their work has God as a centre but rather that it is absolutely disinterested. 
Their organization is extraordinary, their sense of order, their purity, their harmony and the food they collect, the pollen from flowers that they transform into honey. Bees represent the sixth race of man, the race of the future, the new culture. Bees are the symbol of those who have been born anew. These beings are like a living fountain of pure water which gives birth to a new and thriving civilization. Their religion is divine love and wisdom, their temple of God is the universe, the sun is their High Priest in this temple and the stars are its votive lights.
Have human beings managed to produce such sweet delicacy? Yet, if they work like bees, for a fraternal idea, a divine idea, and transform what they absorb into purity, they will be able to make everything as delicious and perfumed as honey.  It is written in the Living book of Nature, it is in the project of Cosmic Intelligence, that human beings will achieve it one day!    

This text was inspired from the Second Birth book of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Carmen, coordinator for the Team.

Issue #49 - Celebrating Wesak on full moon of May

Dear reader,
                   There is a most interesting phenomena taking place every year during the full moon of May: the celebration of the Wesak. This year the full moon is May 10 in the Northern Hemisphere.  In Asia, it is celebrated as the commemoration of the birth of Buddha. Different ceremonies, prayers, chanting and rituals take place in many such countries and around the world. To this effect, we invite you to watch the video through the link at the bottom of this article.

There is also another aspect to the Wesak which is very mystical and of cosmic proportion. When the sun is still in Taurus (the most fertile and prolific sign of the Zodiac) and the moon is about to enter into Sagittarius at midnight, the souls and spirits of the Initiates and Masters of the world gather in a specific place in the Himalayas for an important ceremony in the presence of the great Masters of humanity. They will give birth to the purest and most exalted thoughts and feelings to shower on mankind.

We can prepare ourselves to link with their marvelous work by fasting a day or two before, meditating or praying. During that time, it is also recommended not to wear any metal as it may disturb the perception of vibrations. By adopting an attitude of harmony, we can link consciously with the Initiates to receive the blessings they will poor over the children of God during their ceremony. By preparing ourselves and lighting up our inner lamps, we will spotted and may be invited to participate in our astral body to this important gathering where new currents are working for the future of humanity!

May this full moon of May bring you 1001 blessings.

PS  This text was inspired by the "Spiritual Alchemy" by Omraam Mikaël Aivanhov and his lecture #441 of May 1, 1974.

Issue #48 - Watching sunrise for our growth and development

Dear reader,
What a more appropriate "Thought of the Day" for this coming Spring Season which was
published by Prosveta this March 23.

"There are so many things to discover when watching the sunrise, so many
exercises that enable us to immerse ourselves in this life, this light and this
warmth! As the day dawns, a great event is being prepared in the sky.
Clouds, sombre or bright, appear and disappear, and all the colours of dawn
are like so many signs heralding this one dazzling presence: the sun.
It is worth your while to feel that which signifies the birth of each new day. For
billions of years each new day tirelessly recreates the birth of the world’s first
morning. And how many visible and invisible creatures are also witness to
this extraordinary emergence of light! Let us join together to greet the forces
of life."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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Issue #47 - Balancing gratitude with the lesson of the day

Dear reader,
As we received some very positive feedback following our Feb. issue, lets carry on one step further with the idea of gratitude for those of you who are keen on pursuing their development.

With the idea of gratitude, to encourage the recognition of special moments which we shall call here "blessings" and to amplify them, one exercise we can do is to bring them back to our awareness and feel the gratitude arise from such moments. It could be a rainbow we saw during the day, a special phone call or a genuine smile someone gave us that made us feel happy or worthy.

And now, let us balance gratitude with another exercise, which we shall call the "lesson of the day".

When we choose to develop an aptitude be it physically or mentally, practice is needed until the results are satisfying or exceeding previous records. We can say the same about developing our spiritual aptitudes, that is developing some qualities and virtues. One way to do this is catching our self on the spot when we react unfavorably or disturbingly but since this requires quite a lot of self-control, another way is to take a moment when we retire at night to revise our day and find what was the "lesson of the day".

It can be something subtle, like a sharp answer to someone, a moment of impatience while driving in traffic, whatever was disturbing our inner peace and harmony. By allowing a moment of reflection over this questioning, it triggers the subconscious to pull up from memory those circumstances. Once a memory is brought to our awareness, we can then revise the situation and relive it from a more harmonious angle. Doing this simple exercise trains the brain in acquiring some self-control for future similar circumstances, like creating a new groove for the energy to flow along.

My husband and I have been doing this exercise together very often through the years. He shares his "lesson of the day" and then his "blessing of the day" and then I share mine. The more one practices this little exercise, the easier it gets as the subconscious cooperates very well. Moreover, it makes one feel real good before falling asleep. It adds something constructive and amplifies gratitude to our feeling.

Carmen Froment
Coordinator for the Team